About Us
The Kent County Amateur Radio Club is centrally located in Kent county Delaware. It operates within the county, but also reaches out to Delaware's other two counties, New Castle and Sussex. The club has been in existence since 1956.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm.
Meetings are held in the conference room of the
Kent County Emergency Operations Center
911 Public Safety Blvd.
Dover, DE. 19901
Our Mission
Promote the use of amateur Ham Radio through education and community interaction.
Communicate with people from all over the globe.
We also provide emergency communications and public services by supporting Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) and Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES).
Club Constitution & Bylaws attested to by the Club Secretary –
PDF of Constitution & Bylaws
Our Values
To be friendly and welcoming to all ages,
abilities, genders and backgrounds.
Members are at the core of the club and all its activities.
To enjoy the experience.
Have respect for each other.
A desire to work together towards our shared vision.
To create a club for the long-term through sustainable financial management and growth.
2025 Officers
President Paul Tuley N3BUH
Vice-President Danny Clay N3WCB
Secretary Tim Reisinger KC3OO
Treasurer John Snyder AB3JS
Club Repeaters
146.910 (-) 77hz pl Camden (Main club repeater until further notice)
146.970 (-) 77hz pl Dover (Online, but may have some QRM during your contact)
444.550 (+) 77hz pl Felton (Not operational at this time. Check back occasionally, a different repeater and location upcoming.)
Local Repeaters not affiliated with KC3ARC
147.300 (+) 77 hz pl N3YMS
442.450 (+) 127.3 hz pl Harrington
449.775 (-) 114.8 hz pl W3HZW Felton
Cats on the Air!
Even with a low watt HT, getting on the air is easy. Now if I only had opposable thumbs to be able to turn this on!
Working 40 meters can be fun. You'll never know who you will be able to reach, it's the cats meow!
Working FT8 can be a lot of fun, but frustrating when that DX contact you need just can't quite hear your weak signal transmission.
Contact, information, or webpage questions: info@kc3arc.org
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