Editor’s Comments

It’s that time again for New Year’s Resolutions.  Some people make them and try to keep, others don’t even go through the bother of making and then breaking their wishes to improve or do that thing on their “bucket list”.  So what will be your New Year’s Resolution?  Lose weight, exercise more, get more active in your community?  How about in amateur radio?  Learn Morse Code, get on the air more, actually operate during a Field Day, try a different mode, join an Emcomm group?  Or maybe just to sit down and take those FEMA courses online, and for retired folks, attending training in person at DEMA or another location.


In the Section manager’s column you will see a listing of new hams in our area.  These are people, just like all of us, that have studied and passed those exams to obtain that amateur license.  For us that have been licensed for a time, and have found our favorite operating modes, pass your knowledge on to the new people and help them find theirs.  Lets make our club meetings accommodating and friendly.


This newsletter is for YOU to include your offerings to the amateur community, be that a mode that you’ve just tried, an antenna (see KC3BTV’s column) you working on, or a request for advice or help with a project, you can send it to me and, with maybe a few edits, put it in for all to see.


Under the repeater listings you will see that I added the 443.200 machine listed in Millsboro.  Actually the repeater is at Hollyville which is on route 5 about halfway between Harbeson and Long Neck.  The repeater is the Sussex AUXCOMM machine, which the newsletter receives a column from each month.  I can hit the machine from Harrington, so it is a pretty good repeater.  If you participate in public service events with AUXCOMM, like the Rehoboth Marathon and CODEL, it might be wise to put it in your radio memories.


Another machine that gets used quite a bit for public service events in the Rehoboth area, is the W3GMD 443.550 (+) (156.7 PL) machine just south of Love Creek near Lewes.  This machine has great hand held coverage in the Rehoboth area.  Just a couple of the great repeaters used for public service events on the East side of Sussex and would be worth adding to the memories of your rigs.



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